ESR Bridge for Neutron Diffraction Enhancement

Virginia Diodes Inc very kindly hosted Richard Wylde and Jonas Kindervater of Johns Hopkins for initial trials of a novel Electron Spin Resonance Bridge... which will feature VDI high power Sources at 108 and 216 GHz. The Bridge forms part of a complex neutron diffraction experiment devised by Prof Collin Broholm  of JHU which will be run at the NIST Gaitherburg reactor facility to look at novel quantum materials (topological materials, quantum spin fluids ). The bridge routes power from VDI's sources to a long HE11 corrugated probe which drops down inside a magnet to the sample help at sub 1K levels.  A Martin-Pupplet polarizing interferometer allow both linear injection (to give ...

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Ultra-low X-polar V & W-band antennas delivered to TAS

Ultra-low X-polar V & W-band antennas delivered to TAS

Antennas with Ultra-low X-polar performance Using the design skills of Dr Soe Min Tun, we recently designed, manufactured and had tested by David Gentle at the NPL Antenna range a set of ultra-low (Less than 46dBi) cross-polar high and low W and V-band antennas to feed and test an antenna range for a customer of TAS in Cannes More details can be found here

TVAC arrives at TK

TVAC arrives at TK

Thermal Vacuum Testing for Space arrives at TK

As part of TK's MetOP-SG programme - but also to widen our Space capabilities -  TK has installed Thermal Vacuum Capabilities. The system has kindly been supplied by ESC of Cambridge.

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ISO9001:2015 revision achieved

ISO9001:2015 revision achieved

hereTK is please to announce that we have past the stringent tests from SGS to have our QA certification uplifted to ISO9001:2015 The certificate - the result  of hard work by Mick Clack, David Green and their colleagues - can be see here.

340 GHz atmospheric measurements in Qingdao

TK has completed the installation of an atmospheric measurements system in CRIRP, Qingdao, China. The transmissometer is designed to measure long-term trends in atmospheric absorption over a 300 Metre path at 340 GHz in the coastal city of Qingdao (famous for its Beer).

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The BBC arrives at TK


TK was delighted to host Simon Jenkins of BBC Sussex on the 26th January.   The 4 minute interview with Mick Clack  - with good jokes about flea powder - can be heard by listening below: