How do TK and QMC Instruments Ltd customers use our products & systems?
TK Instruments built and tested 134 calibrators for the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) telescopes in Chile at a total cost of 1.25 million Euros.
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Other components for ALMA are being supplied by QMC Instruments Ltd.
The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory use a dual polarization bolometer for site evaluation in Chile.SubMillimeter Array as well as TK's Radar-Absorbing-Material. Their colleagues in the Academica Sinica are using TK manufactured corrugated horn/mixer structures as part of the same project.
The National Radio Astronomical Observatory are using TK's Absolute Power Meters to develop receivers - for example for the Millimeter Array (MMA, now part of ALMA, the Atacama Large Millimetre Array).
The Submilimetre Common User Bolometer Array (SCUBA)'s bolometer housing was manufactured for ROE by TK, using Spark Erosion.
The Max-Plank-Institut fur Radioastronomie in Bonn uses QMCI's cryogenic polarizing grids in their Submillimeter Telescope Observatory.
IRAM in Grenoble also use our Grids and Power Meters.
Fusion Diagnostics
JET, the Joint European Torus, is the EU's central Tokomak fusion Experiment. Over many years we have supplied cooled detector systems for both ECE (electron cyclotron emission) and Interferometry.
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Thomas Keating has also built the Quasi-optics of a novel Electron Cyclotron Emission Experiment, as well as providing, via UKAEA Culham's Fusion Laboratory, a dual-colour interferometer for the divertor region.
The National Institute for Fusion Science in Nagoya, Japan are using multi-channel detector systems as part of day-one diagnostics for their new Large Helical Device
ENEA in Frascati uses our homogeneous B-field InSb detectors for interferometric electron-line-density measurements
Princeton's Plasma Physics Laboratory uses two multichannel InSb systems to give profile density/temperature measurements, even in the presence of Neutron flux when a Tritium shot is taken.
Atmospheric Remote Sensing
NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory use TK's Power Meter to develop receivers for their Microwave Limb Sounder.
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TK is building Optics and Calibaration tragets for EuMetsat MetOp-SG MWS mission and well as tarets for the Ice Cliyd Imager, ICI
TK supplied QO design advice, Corrugated Feed Horns and Off-Axis mirrors to BAe(Space Systems) Ltd [later Matra-Marconi Space (UK)] for the UK Met.Office's AMSU-B water vapour measuring instrument launched in 1998 as part of the NOAA-15 satellite.
Antenna Development
Dr. Pat Foster of MAAS used Thomas Keating's toolmaking services to manufacture her prototype antennas.
Electron Spin Resonance
Farran Technology have subcontracted the design and manufacture of HE11 guide and corrugated feed horns for equipment they are building for a Berlin-based ESR research group.
Free Electron Lasers
The University of California at Santa Barbera's Quantum Institute uses a range of our detectors - both InSb and Si bolometers, as well as TK's Power Meter - to detect radiation from their Free Electron Laser
Materials Characterisation
The US National High Magnetic Fields Laboratory in Tallahasse use our B-Field tuned InSb detectors to see radiation passed though cold samples in high magnetic fields.
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The Quinetiq plc at Malvern and Farnborough use our Corrugated horns for Materials Charactisation.
Network Analysers
We have been developing a Quasi-optical Network Analyser with the Electrical Engineering Department at Leeds University.